To make the Waikato safe for swimming again, the Green Party will:

  • Require as a minimum that all water bodies be safe for swimming in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, rather than the current ‘safe for wading and boating’ standard.
  • Put a levy on pollution going into rivers. We’ll use this money to support sustainable land and water management programmes, like freshwater habitat restoration.
  • Put a hold on all new conversions of land to dairy farms.
  • Require resource consents in cases where the proposed land use is more intensive than the current land use.
  • Introduce rules that require all farms to be fenced from rivers and creeks, and for riverbanks to be planted so that excess run-off is absorbed.
  • Introduce a charge on water used for irrigation. Those who profit from water use should pay for the privilege.
  • Ensure Māori are recognised and supported in their role as kaitiaki of their taonga and tikanga.

Read more about our solutions to the freshwater crisis

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